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At Pens and Positivity Art, i know how important privacy and security is to my customers and i'm committed to protecting it to reassure that you can have complete confidence when choosing to shop with me. 



I’ll never keep you out of the loop when it comes to how i use or gather your information; if i ever make any significant changes to my Privacy Policy, i’ll let you know on my website or by email. The most recent version of my Privacy Policy will always be listed here.

Your continued use of the site ( indicates your understanding and agreement to my Privacy Policy.



How i use the information you provide:

Until a better way comes along, postal is still my preferred method of getting your order out to you. Because of that, i need you to provide certain personal information (email address, mobile number, address and bank details) which without i’d struggle to be able to send you your order.

I don’t store any of your payment details on my servers, i use PayPal to secure your payment information and execute transactions securely, and your details are not passed on to any third parties. However, i do reserve the right to disclose information to comply with the requirement of law by court order to prevent harm to persons or property and to fight fraud and credit risk reduction.


How i use the information provided for us:

I only know your personal information after you’ve given it to me – and we don’t share this with anyone else – but through using cookies, should you allow it, i am given some information straight away.

Cookies are small files saved to the user’s computer hard drive that track, save and store information about the user’s interactions and usage of the website. By allowing cookies on my site, it lets me know things like your location, language, or milk chocolate/white chocolate preferences, and gives you a more optimised experience.

If you’d rather not allow this, i totally understand and advise that you take the necessary steps within your web browser's security settings to block all cookies from this site and its external serving vendors.

This website also uses tracking software to monitor its visitors to better understand how they like to use it.

These are the only third-party tracking software providers we use:

Google Analytics – Uses cookies to track visitor usage. You can read Google’s privacy policy for further information [] and opt-out via the Google analytics opt-out browser addon []]

Facebook - This cookie contains browser and user unique ID combination, used for targeted advertising. You can access Facebook's privacy policy here. []



I encourage people to get in touch with me if they ever feel dissatisfied with their order or experience in any way. 



Upon adding items to your cart, my website stores data as it is completed. This data includes the following:

  • Full Name

  • Physical Address

  • Email Address

  • IP address

This data is used to provide an accurate quote for delivery and to be easily converted into an order where requested by the customer. This quote data is stored for 30 days, then deleted automatically from our server. This data is also encrypted and stored securely on a backup server, also for 30 days.

Upon placing an order, my website stores the following data:

  • Full Name

  • Physical Address

  • Email Address

  • IP address

This data is necessary for me to be able to fulfil your order and complete my contract with you. This order data is stored for 30 days before it's automatically deleted from our server. This data is also encrypted and stored securely on a backup server, also for 30 days.

You can request your data be removed by contacting us at:

Cherelle George: 7 Grimwade Close, Brantham, Manningtree, CO11 1QY

 Or alternatively, by email:


This website may contain sponsored links and adverts. These will typically be served through my advertising partners who may have detailed privacy policies relating directly to the adverts they serve.

Although this website only looks to include quality, safe and relevant external links, you should always adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external web links. I cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked website, despite their best efforts. Therefore, please note that clicking on external links is done so at your own risk and this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused when doing so.



You have the right to access personal information held about you at any time. Your right of access can be exercised (in the UK) in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Any access request may be subject to a fee to meet administrative costs in providing you with details of the information i hold about you.

Please contact me with any concerns or queries about my  Privacy Policy. It is also your right to request any of your submitted information to be changed or removed. At your request, the information will be corrected or removed from my database as soon as possible.



It’s wise to use social media with care; once you put something out there, you never know who might see it. Particularly with personal details on social media, i always advise deliberating with due care and caution.

This website and its operators will never ask for personal or sensitive information through social media platforms and encourage users wishing to discuss sensitive details to contact them through primary communication channels only, such as by phone or email.

I may use social sharing buttons throughout our site to help share content directly from web pages to the relevant social media platform. I advise before using such social sharing buttons that you do so at your own discretion; the social media platform may track and save your request to share a web page respectively through your social media account. 



Unsure on anything we’ve mentioned here? We’re always happy to help our customers; if you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policies, don’t hesitate to contact us:

By Email

By Phone


By Post

Cherelle George: 7 Grimwade Close, Brantham, Manningtree, CO11 1QY

 You can also find us on all our social media platforms by following the links at the top of this page.

All images © Cherelle George of Pens and Positivity.

Please do not use without written permission.

Pens and Positivity Art,

Brantham, Manningtree, Essex

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